Challenger Rocket Main Window

Locate Challenger Rocket icon on ChallengerOS Desktop or in ChallengerOS applications.

Double click on Rocket Icon to Launch Rocket Main Window


Drag binary files or disk images into Rocket Main Window for a quick display in a tab view.

figure:Rocket Main Screen

Opening a Device

For Opening a device in a Smart Task just push button Open Device located on ToolBar.

Rocket will display connected system connected disk devices.

Select Device from list and Press Select Button to open Device in a Smart Task

figure:Rocket Devices List

Opening a Device in Hex Mode

Devices, disk images and binary file can be opened in a fast virtual task or in a hex session. Select “Open Binary File” or select “Open Disk Device” for a fast tabbed hex session.

Opening Special Posix Devices

Sometimes, like some PCIe SSD or in Raid Arrays, you need to open a non SCSI device. Using “Open Device by Path” will give you the chance to create a task using any posix path.


To add a Linux Raid Device to Rocket select “Open Device by Path” and insert raid device path like “/dev/md127”

Fast Checking of Connected Devices

Rocket Offers several tools to investigate system connected devices, the SCSI Devices, BLOCK Devices and USB Devices.

Those little Utilities can help you to check how devices are connected to system and if some error does exists.

SCSI Devices

SCSI Devices button will show system connected devices list You can obtain same result from terminal with command “lssci”

BLOCK Devices

BLOCK Devices button will show block connected block devices with relative partitions scheme

USB Devices

USB Devices Tool displays system connected devices using ChallengerOS lsusb command

This tool is useful when you are connecting some usb disk device as Usb External Drives or Flash USB Sticks.


In many cases of damaged USB Flash Sticks, Device is shown on USB devices, but not on SCSI list and in BLOCK devices. This Means: GOOD CONTROLLER and BAD FLASH